Frequently Asked Questions


What does the name mean?

CHRIST is not the last name of Jesus. It is His title, who He is for us. Peter confessed concerning Jesus “You are the Christ!” (Matt 16:16). The word Christ comes from Greek meaning anointed. Prophets, priests and kings were anointed. Jesus is the anointed one for us. The Old Testament promised the coming of THE CHRIST. The New Testament proclaims that Jesus is THE CHRIST who has come to save sinners.

COMMUNITY is a gift from God through His Word and Sacraments. The Greek word for community can also be translated as fellowship. This word most profoundly refers to the communion and fellowship that Christians have with Jesus. Because each Christian has fellowship (communion) with Jesus so Christians have community with each other as brothers and sisters in Jesus…THE CHRIST! (1 John 1:3) A community of Christians is something only Jesus…THE CHRIST creates and sustains through His Church by His Word, Spirit and Sacraments.

Why a Christian school?

“But where the Holy Scriptures are not the rule, I advise no one to send his child. Everything
must perish where God’s Word is not studied unceasingly.” – Martin Luther, 1520

“…if we wish to have excellent and able persons both for civil and Church leadership, we must
spare no diligence, time, or cost in teaching and educating our children, so that they may
serve God and the world. We must not think only about how we may amass money and
possessions for them. God can indeed support and make them rich without us, as He daily
does. But for this purpose He has given us children and issued this command: we should train
and govern them according to His will. Otherwise, He would have no purpose for a father and
a mother. Therefore, let everyone know that it is his duty, on peril of losing the divine favor, to
bring up his children in the fear and knowledge of God above all things [Proverbs 1:7]…
If that were done, God would also richly bless us and give us grace to train men by whom
land and people might be improved. He would also bless us with well-educated citizens, chaste
and domestic wives, who, afterward, would raise godly children… Here consider now what
deadly harm you are doing if you are negligent and fail on your part to bring up your children
to usefulness and piety. Consider how you bring upon yourself all sin and wrath, earning hell
by your own children, even though you are otherwise pious and holy. Because this matter is
disregarded, God so fearfully punishes the world that there is no discipline, government, or
peace. We all complain about this but do not see that it is our fault. The way we train
children and subjects spoils them and makes them disobedient. God commands that we bring
children up in the fear and love of God.” -Large Catechism on the 4th Commandment

Why a distinctly Lutheran school?

1. The congregations supporting CCLS are distinctively Lutheran.
2. Lutheran teaching holds up God’s Word as the only source of the Christian Faith.
3. Lutherans have established and operated schools throughout the world.
4. Education has been central to Lutheran congregations for over 500 years.
5. The Lutheran Faith holds tightly to the biblical teaching of The Lord’s Supper and

What model of education will CCLS offer?

A solid back to the basics education of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic will be central to the lower grades and continue into the upper grades The study of History, Science, Music, and Language will form young minds to be upstanding citizens who can think for themselves. Godly, natural, & Biblical morals, of what is right and wrong, holy and evil, will mold young hearts to seek God. The curriculum and education at CCLS will be guided by its Consortium of Classical Lutheran Education Accreditation. The Study of God’s Word and the Catechism, along with Worship, will mark the daily routines of the students.

What grades will be offered?

If CCLS is able to open in the Fall of 2024 we are hoping to provide 1st through 8th grade the

first year. The goal is a kindergarten thru 12th grade program.

Where will the school be located?

CCLS will be centrally located in the Almena area.

When will the school open?

If CCLS is able to open in the Fall of 2024, we are hoping to provide 1st through 8th grade the
first year. The long-term goal is a kindergarten thru 12th grade program.

What will be the budget?

We are estimating at this time a first year annual budget with two full time teachers around $175,000-225,000.

What will be the major expenses?

In addition to any needed building updates and improvements the first year, the following will be core line items of the annual budget:
1. Salaries
2. Teacher Aids
3. Pension/Retirement/Disability
4. Health Care
5. Legacy Planning & Endowment Development
6. Curriculum
7. Building Lease
8. Office Supplies
9. Custodial

How will the school be funded?

CCLS will be gift driven. Only generous hearts, in the end, will make CCLS a sustained reality.

What will the sources of income be?

1. Congregations
2. The Christ Community Endowment
3. Individual Gifts
4. Tuition from students who are not members of participating congregations.

What about governmental dollars? (School Choice Dollars)

There are a fair amount of questions among board members in regards to the state voucher program. We presently are working on establishing a strong endowment base to supplement local
congregational and individual support. We believe that a Lutheran School is best served from the offerings placed upon the altar, flowing from hearts of joyful love and faith. The CCLS Board is presently investigating and discussing the use of government money in relation to the goals and mission of CCLS.

What goals need to be met for the School to open?

1. A balance equal to the projected annual budget in the The School Start-Up Fund
2. Necessary building updates and improvements on track to be completed before the first day of school.
3. A full time principal & teacher selected and contracted at least 6 months before the first day of school.

Who will be the full time principal and teacher(s) at CCLS?

1. A faithful member of an area LCMS Congregation
2. Certified by the Consortium of Classical Lutheran Education (Or working towards certification)
3. Well paid, supported and cared for by Christ Community, Congregations, & Parents

“…this is a true and good saying of old and wise people: “To God, to parents, and to teachers we can never offer enough thanks and compensation.” – The Large Catechism on the 4th Commandment

Will CCLS school partner with homeschoolers?

Yes. CCLS will be open to partnering with homeschoolers.

What is the projected enrollment?

Christ Community hopes to be positioned to open with an enrollment between 15 & 30 students.

Will the school be accredited?

CCLS hopes to obtain dual accreditation with the Consortium of Classical Lutheran Education and The National Lutheran School Accreditation.

Will lunch be provided?

No. Children will bring sack lunches. Hot lunches may periodically be offered by volunteers.

Will the school offer transportation?

The school will not provide transportation. There may be transportation for those in the Barron School District.

Can Christians from other denominations attend CCLS? Can non-Christians attend?

Yes. All families that are not members of an LCMS congregation will be interviewed by the principal and asked to sign the school handbook.

What about sports?

The Board is presently investigating the options. CCLS will not provide its own sports program. CCLS could seek to co-op with another private or public school that has an established sports program. Our hope is the students will be able to participate in the schools district in which they live.

What will happen if the school doesn’t open by the fall of 2026?

If CCLS fails to open by the fall of 2026 the CCLS Board will dissolve. Remaining funds will be distributed to circuit congregations according to the percentage of received donations ….to be used for Christian Education in the respective congregations.

Who serves on the CCLS Board?

Ken Koch – Christ, Pipe Lake
Jake Miels – St. Paul, Cumberland
Rev. Preston Paul – St. Matthew, Almena
Brian Scheps, St. Matthew, Almena
Shawn Schradle – Zion, Turtle Lake
Duane & Kari Longmire – Salem, Barron

How can I fiscally support Christ Community Lutheran School?

1. Personal donations to help get CCLS up and running should be made out to Christ
Community or CCLS and mailed to P.O. Box 120, Almena, WI 54805. Please indicate your
home congregation with your donation.
2. Encourage your congregation to put CCLS in their annual mission budget.
3. Take the opportunity to sit down with Christy, CCLS’ Legacy & Gift Planning Consultant.

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P.O. BOX 120
ALMENA, WI 54805